Music Ministry
Psalm 95:1 “Oh come, let us sing to the LORD; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation!”
Sanctuary Choir - The choir leads the congregation in worship on a weekly basis, and provides a choral connection to the message. All are welcome to join. This group meets on Wednesday evenings from 6 pm -7:30 pm. The choir is not just an ensemble of people who sing together, but a small group, a place of fellowship.
Handbell Choir - The Handbell choir contributes to worship for special events on the liturgical calendar.
Sunday Worship Team - This team of musicians assists in leading hymns, instrumental offerings, and more. This is an opportunity for instrumentalists and singers to be involved in Sunday worship through avenues other than the choir and handbell choir.
Special Programs - The musicians of Covenant are passionate about enhancing worship with the addition of special programs that minister to the church and wider community of Hendersonville. These programs include services for Tenebrae, the Christmas Cantata, and Christmas Eve. All are welcome to attend.
Please email music@covpca.org for more information.